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Twentieth-century Britain : an encyclopedia / edited by Fred M. Leventhal.

Contributor(s): Leventhal, F. M, 1938-.
Publisher: New York : Peter Lang, c2002Edition: Rev. ed.Description: xxix, 640 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.ISBN: 0820451088 (pbk.) :.Subject(s): Great Britain -- History -- 20th century -- Encyclopedias | Great Britain -- Civilization -- 20th century -- Encyclopedias
Abortion -- Actors and Acting -- Adult Education -- Ageing -- Allen, (Reginald) Clifford (1889-1939) -- Angell [Lane], [Ralph] Norman (1872-1967) -- Anglicanism: see Church of England -- Anglo-American Relations -- Anti-Semitism -- Appeasement -- Architecture -- Army -- Arts Council of Great Britain -- Ashton, Frederick (1904-1988) -- Asquith, H(erbert) H(enry) (1852-1928) -- Astor, Nancy Witcher Langhorne (1879-1964) -- Atomic Weapons: see Nuclear Weapons -- Attlee, Clement Richard (1883-1967) -- Auden, W(ystan) H(ugh) (1907-1973) -- Automobile Industry -- Aviation -- Ayckbourn, Alan (1939-) -- Ayer, A(lfred) J(ules) (1910-1989) -- Bacon, Francis (1909-1992) -- Baden-Powell, Robert (1857-1941) -- Baldwin, Stanley (1867-1947) -- Balfour, Arthur James (1948-1930) -- Ballet -- Battle of Britain and Blitz -- Baylis, Lilian Mary (1874-1937) -- The Beatles -- Beaverbrook, Lord [William Maxwell Aitken] (1879-1964) -- Beckett, Samuel (1906-1989) -- Beecham, Thomas (1879-1961) -- Bell, Vanessa Stephen (1879-1961) -- Benn, Anthony Neil Wedgwood [Tony Benn] (1925-) -- Bennett, (Enoch) Arnold (1867-1931) -- Bevan, Aneurin (1897-1960) -- Beveridge, William Henry (1879-1963) -- Bevin, Ernest (1881-1951) -- Birth Control -- Black People in Britain -- Blair, Anthony Charles Linton (1953-) -- Blatchford, Robert Peel Glanville (1851-1943) -- Bloomsbury Group -- Boer [South African] War (1899-1902) -- Bonar Law, Andrew (1858-1923) -- Bowen, Elizabeth Dorothea Cole (1899-1973) -- Brailsford, H(enry) N(oel) (1873-1958) -- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) -- BBC Overseas Broadcasting -- British Council -- Brittain, Vera Mary (1893-1970) -- Britten, (Edward) Benjamin (1913-1976) -- Brooke, Rupert Chawner (1887-1915) -- Butler, R(ichard) A(usten) (1902-1982) -- Cabinet -- Callaghan, (Leonard) James (1912-) -- Cambridge, University of -- Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament -- Campbell-Bannerman, Henry (1836-1908) -- Capital Punishment -- Carson, Edward Henry (1854-1935) -- Catholicism: see Roman Catholicism -- Chamberlain, (Joseph) Austen (1863-1937) -- Chamberlain, (Arthur) Neville (1868-1940) -- Chemistry -- Chesterton, G(ilbert) K(eith) (1874-1936) -- Children's Literature -- Christie, Agatha Miller (1890-1976) -- Church of England -- Churchill, Winston Spencer (1874-1965) -- Citrine, Walter McLennan (1887-1983) -- City of London -- Civil Service -- Clark, Kenneth Mackenzie (1903-1983) -- Clearing Banks -- Cliveden Set -- Clothing and Fashion -- Coal Mining -- Codebreaking -- Cole, G(eorge) D(ouglas) H(oward) (1889-1959) -- Committee of Imperial Defence (1902-1939) -- Commonwealth -- Commonwealth Literature -- Communist Party of Great Britain -- Composers and Music -- Compton-Burnett, Ivy (1884-1969) -- Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924) -- Conscientious Objection -- Conscription -- Conservative Party -- Cooperative Movement -- Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts (CEMA) -- Council Housing -- Country Houses -- Coward, Noel Pierce (1899-1973) -- Crick, Francis (1916-) -- Cricket -- Crime -- Cripps, (Richard) Stafford (1889-1952) -- Crosland, (Charles) Anthony Raven (1918-1977) -- Curzon, George Nathaniel (1859-1925) -- Dalton, (Edward) Hugh John Neale (1887-1962) -- Dawson, Geoffrey (1874-1944) -- Day Lewis, Cecil (1904-1972) -- Decolonization -- Defence of the Realm Act (DORA) -- Delius, Frederick Theodore Albert (1862-1934) -- Design -- Detective Fiction -- de Valois, Ninette (1898-2001) -- Devolution, Scottish and Welsh -- Diet and Nutrition -- Divorce and Divorce Law Reform -- Documentary Film -- Dole, The -- Drama -- Dunkirk (26 May-4 June 1940) -- Economic Performance -- Eden, (Robert) Anthony (1897-1977) -- Education Act of 1944 -- Edward VII (1841-1910) -- Edward VIII (1894-1972) -- El Alamein, Battle of -- Electoral System -- Elgar, Edward William (1857-1934) -- Eliot, T(homas) S(tearns) (1888-1965) -- Elizabeth II (1926-) -- Emigration -- Epstein, Jacob (1880-1959) -- Equal Pay Movement -- European Community: see European Union -- European Union [formerly European Community] -- Fabian Society -- Falklands War -- Family Allowances -- Fascism -- Fashion: see Clothing and Fashion -- Fawcett, Millicent Garrett (1847-1929) -- Feminism -- Festival of Britain, 1951 -- Film Industry -- First World War: Homefront (1914-1918) -- First World War: Military (1914-1918) -- Fleming, Alexander (1881-1955) -- Fonteyn, Margot (1919-1991) -- Foot, Michael Mackintosh (1913-) -- Football -- Ford, Ford Madox (1873-1939) -- Forster, E(dward) M(organ) (1879-1970) -- Freud, Lucian (1922-) -- Friends, Society of [Quakers] -- Fry, Roger Eliot (1866-1934) -- Gaitskell, Hugh Todd Naylor (1906-1963) -- Gallipoli -- Galsworthy, John (1867-1933) -- Garden Cities -- Gardiner, A(lfred) G(eorge) (1865-1946) -- Garvin, J(ames) L(ouis) (1868-1947) -- General Strike (4-12 May 1926) -- George V (1865-1936) -- George VI (1895-1952) -- Gill, (Arthur) Eric Rowton (1882-1940) -- Gold Standard -- Golding, William (1911-1993) -- Gollancz, Victor (1893-1967) -- Government of India Act (1935) -- Grant, Duncan James Corrowr (1885-1978) -- Graves, Robert von Ranke (1895-1985) -- Greene, (Henry) Graham (1904-1991) -- Grey, Edward (1862-1933) -- Guild Socialism -- Haig, Douglas (1861-1928) -- Haldane, J(ohn) B(urdon) S(anderson) (1892-1964) -- Haldane, R(ichard) B(urdon) (1856-1928) -- Halifax, Earl of [Edward Frederick Lindley Wood] (1881-1959) -- Hammond, J(ohn) L(awrence) (Le Breton) (1872-1949) and (Lucy) Barbara (1873-1961) -- Hardie, (James) Keir (1856-1915) -- Health of the Population -- Heath, Edward Richard George (1916-) -- Henderson, Arthur (1863-1935) -- Hepworth, Barbara (1903-1975) -- Historic Preservation -- Hitchcock, Alfred (1899-1980) -- Hoare, Samuel John Gurney (1880-1959) -- Hobson, J(ohn) A(tkinson) (1858-1940) -- Hockney, David (1937-) -- Holst, Gustavus Theodore von (1874-1934) -- Home, Alec [Alexander Frederick] Douglas- (1903-95) -- Home Guard -- Homosexuality -- Horse Racing -- Hospitals -- Hotels -- Hours of Work -- House of Lords -- Housing -- Huxley, Aldous Leonard (1894-1963) -- Huxley, Julian Sorell (1887-1975) -- Immigration -- Imperial Preference -- Independent Labour Party -- India, Partition of -- Indian Nationalism -- International Brigade -- Internment of Enemy Aliens -- Irish Land Purchase Act (1903) -- Irish Literature -- Irish Nationalism -- Isherwood, Christopher William Bradshaw (1904-1986) -- Jarrow -- Jenkins, Roy Harris (1920-) -- Jennings, Humphrey (1907-1950) -- Jews -- John, Augustus Edwin (1878-1961) -- Joyce, James Augustine Aloysius (1882-1941) -- Judicial System -- Juvenile Delinquency -- Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946) -- Kinnock, Neil Gordon (1942-) -- Kipling, (Joseph) Rudyard (1865-1936) -- Kitchener, Horatio Herbert (1850-1916) -- Labour Party -- Labour Representation Committee (1900-1906) -- Labour Revisionism -- Lang, Cosmo Gordon (1864-1945) -- Lansbury, George (1859-1940) -- Larkin, Philip Arthur (1922-1985) -- Laski, Harold Joseph (1893-1950) -- Lawrence, D(avid) H(erbert) (1885-1930) -- Lawrence, T(homas) E(dward) (1888-1935) -- League of Nations -- Leavis, F(rank) R(aymond) (1895-1978) -- Left Book Club -- Legal Profession -- Leisure -- Lend-Lease -- Lessing, Doris May Tayler (1919-) -- Lewis, (Percy) Wyndham (1882-1957) -- Liberal Party -- Literary Criticism -- Lloyd George, David (1863-1945) -- London -- London Government Since 1900 -- London School of Economics and Political Science -- Lutyens, Edwin Landseer (1869-1944) -- Lytton Commission (1931-2) -- MacDiarmid, Hugh [Christopher Murray Grieve] (1892-1978) -- MacDonald, [James] Ramsay (1866-1937) -- Macleod, Iain Norman (1913-1970) -- Macmillan, (Maurice) Harold (1894-1986) -- MacMillan, Kenneth (1929-1992) -- MacNeice, Louis (1907-1963) -- Major, John (1943-) -- [Manchester] Guardian -- Marks and Spencer -- Marriage -- Martin, (Basil) Kingsley (1897-1969) -- Masefield, John Edward (1878-1967) -- Massingham, H(enry) W(illiam) (1860-1924) -- Mass-Observation (1937-1949) -- Maugham, (William) Somerset (1874-1965) -- Maxton, James (1885-1946) -- Means Test -- Medical Profession -- Medical Research -- Merchant Banks -- Methodism -- Milner, Alfred (1854-1925) -- Miners Federation of Great Britain -- Ministry of Munitions -- Monarchy -- Mond, Alfred Moritz (1868-1930) -- Montagu, Edwin Samuel (1879-1924) -- Montgomery, Bernard Law (1887-1976) -- Moore, G(eorge) E(dward) (1873-1958) -- Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) -- Morel, E(dmund) D(ene) (1873-1924) -- Morris, William (1877-1963) -- Morrison, Herbert Stanley (1888-1965) -- Mosley, Oswald Ernald (1896-1980) -- Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas (1900-1979) -- Multinational Corporations -- Munich Conference -- Murdoch, Iris (1919-1999) -- Murray, (George) Gilbert (Aime) (1866-1957) -- Namier, Lewis Bernstein (1888-1960) -- Nash, Paul (1889-1946) -- Nation (1907-1931) -- National Front -- National Health Service -- National Trust -- National Union of Mineworkers -- Nationalization and Nationalized Industries -- Navy, Royal -- Nevinson, C(hristopher) R(ichard) W(ynne) (1889-1946) -- New Liberalism -- New Statesman (1913-) -- Nicholson, Ben (1894-1982) -- Nicolson, Harold George (1886-1968) -- 1922 Committee -- No-Conscription Fellowship (1914-1919) -- Norman, Montagu Collet (1871-1950) -- Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William, Lord Northcliffe (1865-1922) -- Northern Ireland -- Novel, English, 1900-1945 -- Novel, English, since 1945 -- Nuclear Weapons -- Nutrition: see Diet and Nutrition -- Observer, The -- Official Secrets Act -- Old Age Pensions -- Olivier, Laurence Kerr (1907-1989) -- Open University -- Opera and Opera Companies -- Orchestras -- Orwell, George (1903-1950) -- Osborne, John James (1929-1994) -- Owen, Wilfred Edward Salter (1893-1918) -- Oxford, University of -- Pacifism -- Palestine -- Pankhurst, Emmeline (1858-1928), Christabel (Harriette) (1880-1958) (Estelle) Sylvia (1882-1960) -- Passchendaele [Third Battle of Ypres] -- Peace Ballot --
Peace Pledge Union -- Periodicals -- Philanthropy -- Physics -- Pick, Frank (1878-1941) -- Pinter, Harold (1930-) -- Poetry, English -- Political and Economic Planning (PEP) -- Popular Culture -- Popular Fiction -- Popular Front -- Popular Music -- Population -- Post-Modernism in Architecture -- Powell, (John) Enoch (1912-1998) -- Powell, Michael (1905-1990) -- Pregnancy and Childbirth -- Press, British -- Priestley, John Boynton (1894-1984) -- Primary Education -- Propaganda -- Public Health -- Punch -- Quakers: see Friends, Society of -- Race Relations -- Radar -- Railways -- Rathbone, Eleanor Florence (1872-1946) -- Rationing -- Rattigan, Terence Mervyn (1911-1977) -- Reed, Carol (1906-1976) -- Refugees -- Reith, John Charles Walsham (1889-1971) -- Richards, Ivor Armstrong (1893-1979) -- Robbins Report (1963) -- Roman Catholicism -- Royal Air Force -- Russell, Bertrand (1872-1970) -- Rutherford, Ernest (1871-1937) -- Samuel, Herbert (1870-1963) -- Sankey Commission (1919) -- Sassoon, Siegfried (1886-1967) -- Sayers, Dorothy Leigh (1893-1957) -- Scott, C(harles) P(restwich) (1846-1932) -- Scottish Literature -- Scottish Nationalism -- Second World War: Homefront -- Second World War: Military -- Secondary Education -- Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950) -- Sickert, W(alter) R(ichard) (1860-1942) -- Simon, John Allsebrook (1873-1954) -- Slums -- Snowden, Philip (1864-1937) -- Social Democratic Party -- Socialist League (1932-1937) -- Society of Friends: see Friends, Society of (Quakers) -- Somme, Battle of the -- Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) -- Spark, Muriel Camberg (1918-) -- Spencer, Stanley (1891-1959) -- Spender, Stephen (1909-1995) -- Sport -- Spy Novel, British -- Standard of Living -- Steel Industry -- Stopes, Marie Charlotte Carmichael (1880-1958) -- Stoppard, Tom (1937-) -- Strachey, John (1901-1963) -- Strachey, (Giles) Lytton (1880-1932) -- Strikes -- Suez Crisis (1956) -- Sutherland, Graham Vivian (1903-1980) -- Taff Vale Judgment (July 1901) -- Tariff Reform -- Tawney, Richard Henry (1880-1962) -- Taylor, Alan John Percivale (1906-1990) -- Temple, William (1881-1944) -- Tennis, Lawn -- Thatcher, Margaret Hilda Roberts (1925-) -- Thatcherism -- Thomas, Dylan Marlais (1914-1953) -- Thomas, James Henry (1874-1949) -- Thompson, E(dward) P(almer) (1924-1993) -- Times, The -- Tippett, Michael Kemp (1905-1998) -- Titmuss, Richard Morris (1907-1973) -- Tizard, Henry Thomas (1885-1959) -- Town and Country Planning -- Trade Union Legislation -- Trades Union Congress (TUC) -- Transport and General Workers' Union -- Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1962) -- Ulster: see Northern Ireland -- Unemployment -- Union of Democratic Control -- University Education -- Urban Transport -- Vorticism -- Wallas, Graham (1858-1932) -- Walton, William Turner (1902-1983) -- Waugh, Evelyn Arthur St. John (1903-1966) -- Webb, Beatrice Potter (1858-1943) and Sidney (1859-1947) -- Welfare State -- Wells, H(erbert) G(eorge) (1866-1946) -- Welsh Nationalism -- Wheatley, John (1869-1930) -- Whitehead, Alfred North (1861-1947) -- Wilkinson, Ellen (1891-1947) -- Williams, Raymond Henry (1921-1988) -- Wilson, Angus Frank Johnstone (1913-1991) -- Wilson, (James) Harold (1916-1995) -- Wodehouse, P(elham) G(renville) (1881-1975) -- Wolfenden Report (1957) -- Women -- Women in Wartime (1914-1918 and 1939-1945) -- Women's Education -- Women's Employment -- Women's Social and Political Union (1903-1917) -- Women's Suffrage -- Woolf, Leonard Sidney (1880-1969) -- Woolf, (Adeline) Virginia Stephen (1882-1941) -- Woolton, Earl of [Frederick James Marquis] (1883-1964) -- Yeats, William Butler (1865-1939).
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Includes bibliographical references and index.

Abortion -- Actors and Acting -- Adult Education -- Ageing -- Allen, (Reginald) Clifford (1889-1939) -- Angell [Lane], [Ralph] Norman (1872-1967) -- Anglicanism: see Church of England -- Anglo-American Relations -- Anti-Semitism -- Appeasement -- Architecture -- Army -- Arts Council of Great Britain -- Ashton, Frederick (1904-1988) -- Asquith, H(erbert) H(enry) (1852-1928) -- Astor, Nancy Witcher Langhorne (1879-1964) -- Atomic Weapons: see Nuclear Weapons -- Attlee, Clement Richard (1883-1967) -- Auden, W(ystan) H(ugh) (1907-1973) -- Automobile Industry -- Aviation -- Ayckbourn, Alan (1939-) -- Ayer, A(lfred) J(ules) (1910-1989) -- Bacon, Francis (1909-1992) -- Baden-Powell, Robert (1857-1941) -- Baldwin, Stanley (1867-1947) -- Balfour, Arthur James (1948-1930) -- Ballet -- Battle of Britain and Blitz -- Baylis, Lilian Mary (1874-1937) -- The Beatles -- Beaverbrook, Lord [William Maxwell Aitken] (1879-1964) -- Beckett, Samuel (1906-1989) -- Beecham, Thomas (1879-1961) -- Bell, Vanessa Stephen (1879-1961) -- Benn, Anthony Neil Wedgwood [Tony Benn] (1925-) -- Bennett, (Enoch) Arnold (1867-1931) -- Bevan, Aneurin (1897-1960) -- Beveridge, William Henry (1879-1963) -- Bevin, Ernest (1881-1951) -- Birth Control -- Black People in Britain -- Blair, Anthony Charles Linton (1953-) -- Blatchford, Robert Peel Glanville (1851-1943) -- Bloomsbury Group -- Boer [South African] War (1899-1902) -- Bonar Law, Andrew (1858-1923) -- Bowen, Elizabeth Dorothea Cole (1899-1973) -- Brailsford, H(enry) N(oel) (1873-1958) -- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) -- BBC Overseas Broadcasting -- British Council -- Brittain, Vera Mary (1893-1970) -- Britten, (Edward) Benjamin (1913-1976) -- Brooke, Rupert Chawner (1887-1915) -- Butler, R(ichard) A(usten) (1902-1982) -- Cabinet -- Callaghan, (Leonard) James (1912-) -- Cambridge, University of -- Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament -- Campbell-Bannerman, Henry (1836-1908) -- Capital Punishment -- Carson, Edward Henry (1854-1935) -- Catholicism: see Roman Catholicism -- Chamberlain, (Joseph) Austen (1863-1937) -- Chamberlain, (Arthur) Neville (1868-1940) -- Chemistry -- Chesterton, G(ilbert) K(eith) (1874-1936) -- Children's Literature -- Christie, Agatha Miller (1890-1976) -- Church of England -- Churchill, Winston Spencer (1874-1965) -- Citrine, Walter McLennan (1887-1983) -- City of London -- Civil Service -- Clark, Kenneth Mackenzie (1903-1983) -- Clearing Banks -- Cliveden Set -- Clothing and Fashion -- Coal Mining -- Codebreaking -- Cole, G(eorge) D(ouglas) H(oward) (1889-1959) -- Committee of Imperial Defence (1902-1939) -- Commonwealth -- Commonwealth Literature -- Communist Party of Great Britain -- Composers and Music -- Compton-Burnett, Ivy (1884-1969) -- Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924) -- Conscientious Objection -- Conscription -- Conservative Party -- Cooperative Movement -- Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts (CEMA) -- Council Housing -- Country Houses -- Coward, Noel Pierce (1899-1973) -- Crick, Francis (1916-) -- Cricket -- Crime -- Cripps, (Richard) Stafford (1889-1952) -- Crosland, (Charles) Anthony Raven (1918-1977) -- Curzon, George Nathaniel (1859-1925) -- Dalton, (Edward) Hugh John Neale (1887-1962) -- Dawson, Geoffrey (1874-1944) -- Day Lewis, Cecil (1904-1972) -- Decolonization -- Defence of the Realm Act (DORA) -- Delius, Frederick Theodore Albert (1862-1934) -- Design -- Detective Fiction -- de Valois, Ninette (1898-2001) -- Devolution, Scottish and Welsh -- Diet and Nutrition -- Divorce and Divorce Law Reform -- Documentary Film -- Dole, The -- Drama -- Dunkirk (26 May-4 June 1940) -- Economic Performance -- Eden, (Robert) Anthony (1897-1977) -- Education Act of 1944 -- Edward VII (1841-1910) -- Edward VIII (1894-1972) -- El Alamein, Battle of -- Electoral System -- Elgar, Edward William (1857-1934) -- Eliot, T(homas) S(tearns) (1888-1965) -- Elizabeth II (1926-) -- Emigration -- Epstein, Jacob (1880-1959) -- Equal Pay Movement -- European Community: see European Union -- European Union [formerly European Community] -- Fabian Society -- Falklands War -- Family Allowances -- Fascism -- Fashion: see Clothing and Fashion -- Fawcett, Millicent Garrett (1847-1929) -- Feminism -- Festival of Britain, 1951 -- Film Industry -- First World War: Homefront (1914-1918) -- First World War: Military (1914-1918) -- Fleming, Alexander (1881-1955) -- Fonteyn, Margot (1919-1991) -- Foot, Michael Mackintosh (1913-) -- Football -- Ford, Ford Madox (1873-1939) -- Forster, E(dward) M(organ) (1879-1970) -- Freud, Lucian (1922-) -- Friends, Society of [Quakers] -- Fry, Roger Eliot (1866-1934) -- Gaitskell, Hugh Todd Naylor (1906-1963) -- Gallipoli -- Galsworthy, John (1867-1933) -- Garden Cities -- Gardiner, A(lfred) G(eorge) (1865-1946) -- Garvin, J(ames) L(ouis) (1868-1947) -- General Strike (4-12 May 1926) -- George V (1865-1936) -- George VI (1895-1952) -- Gill, (Arthur) Eric Rowton (1882-1940) -- Gold Standard -- Golding, William (1911-1993) -- Gollancz, Victor (1893-1967) -- Government of India Act (1935) -- Grant, Duncan James Corrowr (1885-1978) -- Graves, Robert von Ranke (1895-1985) -- Greene, (Henry) Graham (1904-1991) -- Grey, Edward (1862-1933) -- Guild Socialism -- Haig, Douglas (1861-1928) -- Haldane, J(ohn) B(urdon) S(anderson) (1892-1964) -- Haldane, R(ichard) B(urdon) (1856-1928) -- Halifax, Earl of [Edward Frederick Lindley Wood] (1881-1959) -- Hammond, J(ohn) L(awrence) (Le Breton) (1872-1949) and (Lucy) Barbara (1873-1961) -- Hardie, (James) Keir (1856-1915) -- Health of the Population -- Heath, Edward Richard George (1916-) -- Henderson, Arthur (1863-1935) -- Hepworth, Barbara (1903-1975) -- Historic Preservation -- Hitchcock, Alfred (1899-1980) -- Hoare, Samuel John Gurney (1880-1959) -- Hobson, J(ohn) A(tkinson) (1858-1940) -- Hockney, David (1937-) -- Holst, Gustavus Theodore von (1874-1934) -- Home, Alec [Alexander Frederick] Douglas- (1903-95) -- Home Guard -- Homosexuality -- Horse Racing -- Hospitals -- Hotels -- Hours of Work -- House of Lords -- Housing -- Huxley, Aldous Leonard (1894-1963) -- Huxley, Julian Sorell (1887-1975) -- Immigration -- Imperial Preference -- Independent Labour Party -- India, Partition of -- Indian Nationalism -- International Brigade -- Internment of Enemy Aliens -- Irish Land Purchase Act (1903) -- Irish Literature -- Irish Nationalism -- Isherwood, Christopher William Bradshaw (1904-1986) -- Jarrow -- Jenkins, Roy Harris (1920-) -- Jennings, Humphrey (1907-1950) -- Jews -- John, Augustus Edwin (1878-1961) -- Joyce, James Augustine Aloysius (1882-1941) -- Judicial System -- Juvenile Delinquency -- Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946) -- Kinnock, Neil Gordon (1942-) -- Kipling, (Joseph) Rudyard (1865-1936) -- Kitchener, Horatio Herbert (1850-1916) -- Labour Party -- Labour Representation Committee (1900-1906) -- Labour Revisionism -- Lang, Cosmo Gordon (1864-1945) -- Lansbury, George (1859-1940) -- Larkin, Philip Arthur (1922-1985) -- Laski, Harold Joseph (1893-1950) -- Lawrence, D(avid) H(erbert) (1885-1930) -- Lawrence, T(homas) E(dward) (1888-1935) -- League of Nations -- Leavis, F(rank) R(aymond) (1895-1978) -- Left Book Club -- Legal Profession -- Leisure -- Lend-Lease -- Lessing, Doris May Tayler (1919-) -- Lewis, (Percy) Wyndham (1882-1957) -- Liberal Party -- Literary Criticism -- Lloyd George, David (1863-1945) -- London -- London Government Since 1900 -- London School of Economics and Political Science -- Lutyens, Edwin Landseer (1869-1944) -- Lytton Commission (1931-2) -- MacDiarmid, Hugh [Christopher Murray Grieve] (1892-1978) -- MacDonald, [James] Ramsay (1866-1937) -- Macleod, Iain Norman (1913-1970) -- Macmillan, (Maurice) Harold (1894-1986) -- MacMillan, Kenneth (1929-1992) -- MacNeice, Louis (1907-1963) -- Major, John (1943-) -- [Manchester] Guardian -- Marks and Spencer -- Marriage -- Martin, (Basil) Kingsley (1897-1969) -- Masefield, John Edward (1878-1967) -- Massingham, H(enry) W(illiam) (1860-1924) -- Mass-Observation (1937-1949) -- Maugham, (William) Somerset (1874-1965) -- Maxton, James (1885-1946) -- Means Test -- Medical Profession -- Medical Research -- Merchant Banks -- Methodism -- Milner, Alfred (1854-1925) -- Miners Federation of Great Britain -- Ministry of Munitions -- Monarchy -- Mond, Alfred Moritz (1868-1930) -- Montagu, Edwin Samuel (1879-1924) -- Montgomery, Bernard Law (1887-1976) -- Moore, G(eorge) E(dward) (1873-1958) -- Moore, Henry Spencer (1898-1986) -- Morel, E(dmund) D(ene) (1873-1924) -- Morris, William (1877-1963) -- Morrison, Herbert Stanley (1888-1965) -- Mosley, Oswald Ernald (1896-1980) -- Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas (1900-1979) -- Multinational Corporations -- Munich Conference -- Murdoch, Iris (1919-1999) -- Murray, (George) Gilbert (Aime) (1866-1957) -- Namier, Lewis Bernstein (1888-1960) -- Nash, Paul (1889-1946) -- Nation (1907-1931) -- National Front -- National Health Service -- National Trust -- National Union of Mineworkers -- Nationalization and Nationalized Industries -- Navy, Royal -- Nevinson, C(hristopher) R(ichard) W(ynne) (1889-1946) -- New Liberalism -- New Statesman (1913-) -- Nicholson, Ben (1894-1982) -- Nicolson, Harold George (1886-1968) -- 1922 Committee -- No-Conscription Fellowship (1914-1919) -- Norman, Montagu Collet (1871-1950) -- Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William, Lord Northcliffe (1865-1922) -- Northern Ireland -- Novel, English, 1900-1945 -- Novel, English, since 1945 -- Nuclear Weapons -- Nutrition: see Diet and Nutrition -- Observer, The -- Official Secrets Act -- Old Age Pensions -- Olivier, Laurence Kerr (1907-1989) -- Open University -- Opera and Opera Companies -- Orchestras -- Orwell, George (1903-1950) -- Osborne, John James (1929-1994) -- Owen, Wilfred Edward Salter (1893-1918) -- Oxford, University of -- Pacifism -- Palestine -- Pankhurst, Emmeline (1858-1928), Christabel (Harriette) (1880-1958) (Estelle) Sylvia (1882-1960) -- Passchendaele [Third Battle of Ypres] -- Peace Ballot --

Peace Pledge Union -- Periodicals -- Philanthropy -- Physics -- Pick, Frank (1878-1941) -- Pinter, Harold (1930-) -- Poetry, English -- Political and Economic Planning (PEP) -- Popular Culture -- Popular Fiction -- Popular Front -- Popular Music -- Population -- Post-Modernism in Architecture -- Powell, (John) Enoch (1912-1998) -- Powell, Michael (1905-1990) -- Pregnancy and Childbirth -- Press, British -- Priestley, John Boynton (1894-1984) -- Primary Education -- Propaganda -- Public Health -- Punch -- Quakers: see Friends, Society of -- Race Relations -- Radar -- Railways -- Rathbone, Eleanor Florence (1872-1946) -- Rationing -- Rattigan, Terence Mervyn (1911-1977) -- Reed, Carol (1906-1976) -- Refugees -- Reith, John Charles Walsham (1889-1971) -- Richards, Ivor Armstrong (1893-1979) -- Robbins Report (1963) -- Roman Catholicism -- Royal Air Force -- Russell, Bertrand (1872-1970) -- Rutherford, Ernest (1871-1937) -- Samuel, Herbert (1870-1963) -- Sankey Commission (1919) -- Sassoon, Siegfried (1886-1967) -- Sayers, Dorothy Leigh (1893-1957) -- Scott, C(harles) P(restwich) (1846-1932) -- Scottish Literature -- Scottish Nationalism -- Second World War: Homefront -- Second World War: Military -- Secondary Education -- Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950) -- Sickert, W(alter) R(ichard) (1860-1942) -- Simon, John Allsebrook (1873-1954) -- Slums -- Snowden, Philip (1864-1937) -- Social Democratic Party -- Socialist League (1932-1937) -- Society of Friends: see Friends, Society of (Quakers) -- Somme, Battle of the -- Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) -- Spark, Muriel Camberg (1918-) -- Spencer, Stanley (1891-1959) -- Spender, Stephen (1909-1995) -- Sport -- Spy Novel, British -- Standard of Living -- Steel Industry -- Stopes, Marie Charlotte Carmichael (1880-1958) -- Stoppard, Tom (1937-) -- Strachey, John (1901-1963) -- Strachey, (Giles) Lytton (1880-1932) -- Strikes -- Suez Crisis (1956) -- Sutherland, Graham Vivian (1903-1980) -- Taff Vale Judgment (July 1901) -- Tariff Reform -- Tawney, Richard Henry (1880-1962) -- Taylor, Alan John Percivale (1906-1990) -- Temple, William (1881-1944) -- Tennis, Lawn -- Thatcher, Margaret Hilda Roberts (1925-) -- Thatcherism -- Thomas, Dylan Marlais (1914-1953) -- Thomas, James Henry (1874-1949) -- Thompson, E(dward) P(almer) (1924-1993) -- Times, The -- Tippett, Michael Kemp (1905-1998) -- Titmuss, Richard Morris (1907-1973) -- Tizard, Henry Thomas (1885-1959) -- Town and Country Planning -- Trade Union Legislation -- Trades Union Congress (TUC) -- Transport and General Workers' Union -- Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1962) -- Ulster: see Northern Ireland -- Unemployment -- Union of Democratic Control -- University Education -- Urban Transport -- Vorticism -- Wallas, Graham (1858-1932) -- Walton, William Turner (1902-1983) -- Waugh, Evelyn Arthur St. John (1903-1966) -- Webb, Beatrice Potter (1858-1943) and Sidney (1859-1947) -- Welfare State -- Wells, H(erbert) G(eorge) (1866-1946) -- Welsh Nationalism -- Wheatley, John (1869-1930) -- Whitehead, Alfred North (1861-1947) -- Wilkinson, Ellen (1891-1947) -- Williams, Raymond Henry (1921-1988) -- Wilson, Angus Frank Johnstone (1913-1991) -- Wilson, (James) Harold (1916-1995) -- Wodehouse, P(elham) G(renville) (1881-1975) -- Wolfenden Report (1957) -- Women -- Women in Wartime (1914-1918 and 1939-1945) -- Women's Education -- Women's Employment -- Women's Social and Political Union (1903-1917) -- Women's Suffrage -- Woolf, Leonard Sidney (1880-1969) -- Woolf, (Adeline) Virginia Stephen (1882-1941) -- Woolton, Earl of [Frederick James Marquis] (1883-1964) -- Yeats, William Butler (1865-1939).

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